We help children and their families get back on their feet.
We provide resources for families to achieve lasting independence.
Comprehensive Solutions for Independence
We provide shelter, meals, basic needs (clothing, toiletries, and personal items), case management, referrals, and resources to families in transition. During the day, families have access to a Day Center which is a hub for the organization. This center provides a permanent address for families, training, and case management services. All adults meet for employment consultation (to assist in job seeking/placement) and financial counseling (to better manage finances and start saving).
How Resources Are Provided
Host congregations provide their facility for one week at a time—about once every three months. Families arrive at 5pm for dinner and stay overnight. During the day, kids go to daycare or school and parents go to work. On Sundays, the families move to the next host congregation site. Support congregations provide volunteer and financial support to host congregations.
Affordable housing that working families can afford cannot be found in most areas, especially in Sarasota County.
Imagine this Scenario
There’s a single mom who makes $25 an hour. She has two small children and needs a 2-bedroom house.
At $25 an hour her salary is $52,000 a year (which is more than many of our first responders take home). The average rent for a 2-bedroom house is $2,322. What she can afford is $1,444. This means that she is spending over 50% of her Gross Income on her housing. Her taxes take another 23% of her income which means she is left with only 27% of her income or $1,170. Between her childcare costs ($400/month), car payment ($300/month), car insurance ($80/month), utilities ($150/month), phone ($40/month), and food ($300/month), she had to get a second job to cover all the costs.
We need housing at each of the levels for the local incomes so that we can keep all of our workforce and not lose them to more affordable areas.
Average Rent for Local Housing
Studio (no bedrooms) = $1,075/month
1-bedroom $1,902/month
2-bedroom $2,322/month
3-bedroom $2,287/month
4-bedroom $3,047/month
Incomes and Affordable Rent
$10 an hour = $20,800 annually = $577 affordable
$15 an hour = $31,200 annually = $866 affordable
$20 an hour = $41,600 annually = $1,155 affordable
$25 an hour = $52,000 annually = $1,444 affordable
$30 an hour = $62,400 annually = $1,733 affordable
$35 an hour = $72,800 annually = $2,022 affordable
Even at $35 an hour, a couple combined or a single mom
or dad cannot afford a 2, 3, or 4-bedroom house.
Comparison: Affordable Rent Cost vs. Actual Rent Cost
The charts below show what a person can afford for rent (in blue) based on income and what current rents are in our area (in orange).
Affordable Rent
Actual Rental Prices

Bridge Housing
Creating a Bridge to Housing for families in need.
Shelter Program
60-90 day program that provides shelter while working with the family in weekly case management.
(not emergency shelter)

Open Doors
Helping families Open Doors to a brighter future.
Prevention & Diversion
Helping families with opportunities to avoid housing insecurity with rent assistance or move-in assistance.

Pathways Home
Creating a true Pathway Home for families.
FPSSC purchased properties to use as transitional shelter for up to 1-year for families leaving our Bridge Housing Program that are unable to find an affordable rental. This 1-year extension of shelter in a housing unit with a low program fee is designed to allow FPSSC to continue to work with the family on achieving stability and keep them from experiencing housing insecurity again.
Family Stories
The Martinelli Family
Hurricane Ian brought devastation and ruin to Sarasota County and many of the families residing here. The destruction and peril was an unexpected hardship that many families were unprepared to recover from. With the costs of living at an all-time high, many hardworking families in our community are living paycheck to paycheck and are unable to save for an unexpected hardship such as a natural disaster, car accident, daycare closure, etc. The Martinelli family was no exception. Last October, in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Cheryl and Jonathan found themselves without work for several weeks. Until that time, both parents had been able to provide for their children without any additional assistance. Due to the hurricane, Cheryl lost two big contracts that were severely damaged in the storm putting her and her husband out of work for 2 weeks. This inability to work resulted in a total loss of income for that period of time and no money to be able to pay November's rent. Cheryl heard of Family Promise of South Sarasota County, and contacted the Family Service Coordinator to inquire about rental assistance to remain stably housed. Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters, Family Promise was able to assist the family with that November rent to prevent an eviction. When asked about her experience with Family Promise, Cheryl stated, "The case manager and staff were so helpful and followed up with us and the landlord to ensure our stability. Not being able to work and pay our bills was unexpected, and we are so incredibly grateful that programs such as Family Promise exist."
The Langer Family
Emma was seeking resources in Sarasota County after she was given notice she had to be out within four days with her child. The family was attempting to seek alternatives that all ended up being dead ends. Emma reached out to Family Promise for resources and options available. Emma entered the Bridge Housing Shelter Program in August of 2022 with her then 2-year-old son Zander. She had a job at Edible Arrangements and got to work and got Alexander to childcare with a bicycle and child seat because she couldn’t afford a car. Emma was quick to set goals, and work towards sustainability for her and her son. After working with a case manager and successfully graduating from the program, Emma was able to apply for the Pathways Home Program. Emma entered the Pathways Home Program in November of 2022 and was able to reside in one of our transitional housing units and continue to work on sustainability. During this time, Emma continued ongoing case management, started new employment with higher pay, and received access to services like Medicaid, Early Learning Coalition and even received a donated vehicle. The Langer family graduated from the Pathways Program in September of 2023 and moved into their own affordable housing rental here in South Sarasota County. When asked about her experience with Family Promise, Emma stated “Alexander and I joined the Family Promise SSC program and our lives have changed so much since then. We now have our own place to live, a stable environment for the first time in more than ten years thanks to Family Promise and all its volunteers. Alexander has become so comfortable and adjusted so well. We have both become happier. Just knowing we have somewhere safe to stay is an amazing feeling. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my son.”
The Szweda-Grow Family
Thanks to you, the Szweda-Grow family has a safe, warm place to sleep tonight. Nicolette and Donnie are the parents of Addison, Braxton, and Giovanni. The family has resided in North Port, Florida, for over 8 years. Both parents have full-time employment and have been able to meet all of their household expenses without assistance until September. Nicolette’s employer does not provide any paid maternity leave, and the family was concerned about how they would pay their household expenses and provide for the growing family with only one income when the housing costs are so high in Sarasota County at this time. Nicolette contacted Family Promise of South Sarasota County prior to going on maternity leave to inquire about the requirements and necessary documentation. Before giving birth to Giovanni, Nicolette sent the Family Service Coordinator all of the required documentation for assistance. Family Promise was able to assist the family with $1,250 in rental assistance in addition to $1,250 through Season of Sharing funds. When asked about her experience with FPSSC, Nicolette stated, “The case manager was very helpful, answered all of my questions, and everything was handled so quickly. The assistance from Family Promise means so much to our family. We are blessed to be able to receive assistance because we weren’t sure how we were going to be able to pay for our expenses after I had the baby and was on unpaid leave. Thank you for all that you do for families in our county during this tough time.”
Annual Impact Report
Are you a child or family in need of help?
We want to serve you!
Please fill out the form below to get started!
Our Programs require that the people we serve are at or below a specific AMI. Please check the chart below to see if you qualify based on income.